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02/2020 – La pandemia, la politica e il mondo globale dopo il Covid-19

ISSN: 2037-495X
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dossier: il mondo di domani. analisi e riflessioni sul dopo covid-19

La democrazia e il contagio globale Damiano Palano

La rivelazione pandemica e la vita comune: pensare la politica nel “mondo di domani” Giulio De Ligio

La pandemia e la crisi della leadership: come il Covid-19 può cambiare le democrazie Sofia Ventura

Il pedinamento digitale e la democrazia della sorveglianza Stefano Epifani

Tra stato d’eccezione ed espansione tecnocratica: la crisi del Covid-19 e i possibili scenari Lorenzo Castellani

Conte, i tecnici, i governatori e la pandemia: la strana co-gestione all’italiana Fabio Martini

La pandemia e il simulacro del Parlamento: gerarchia delle fonti e verticalizzazione della politica nell’epoca del Covid-19 Francesco Clementi

Covid-19 e caos europeo: ripartenza o Finis Europae? Michele Marchi

Il destino dell’Europa ai tempi del Covid-19 Riccardo Cavallo

La pandemia e l’immaginario distopico-catastrofista. L’Occidente di fronte alla “collassologia” Massimiliano Panarari

Comunicazione di crisi. 5 lezioni dall’era Covid-19 Luigi Di Gregorio

Opinione pubblica e pandemia: cosa resterà delle distorsioni causate dal Covid-19 Chiara Moroni

Il virus del cospirazionismo e le “false notizie” di pace. Congiure e complotti all’epoca del Covid-19 Alessandro Campi

Guerra, igiene del mondo? Pandemia e analogia Michele Chiaruzzi

La pandemia globale e le relazioni economiche internazionali: scenari e previsioni Giuseppe Pennisi

Il “patriottismo economico” e la nuova politica industriale: prospettive per il dopo Covid-19 Salvatore Santangelo

Il mondo dopo gli Hyksos: uno scorcio geopolitico Manlio Graziano

Fiducia e politica internazionale: i nuovi equilibri mondiali dopo la pandemia Emidio Diodato

Guerra (e pace) degli Aiuti nel dopo-Covid-19 Igor Pellicciari

Trasformazioni e destrutturazioni nel sistema internazionale pre- e post- pandemia Paolo Quercia

L’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla politica interna e sulle ambizioni globali della Cina Valter Coralluzzo

L’America ai tempi del Covid-19: elezioni presidenziali e nuove sfide all’unipolarismo isolazionista statunitense Alia K. Nardini


osservatorio italiano

Élites a 5Stelle: mutamenti e persistenze nel ceto politico parlamentare Lucia Montesanti, Francesca Veltri


il futuro della democrazia

Hic sunt leones. La democrazia nell’era dei social media, dei big data e dell’intelligenza artificiale Stefano De Luca


teoria politica

L’équipe del potere. I collaboratori del leader politico Antonio Campati


osservatorio internazionale

Turbolenza e collaborazione nel rapporto tra Cina ed Unione europea e l’impatto della pandemia da Covid-19 Li Lifan



Lucia Montesanti, Francesca Veltri, Five Star Élites: Changes and Persistence in the Parliamentary Political Class

At its origins, the M5s wanted to differentiate strongly himself from the other parties, both at the structural-organizational and communicative level, presenting contents close to classic aspects of populism declined in a digital key. Today, however, it tends to come closer to the traditional party form, focusing on the role of the political leader. One of the main objectives declared by the M5s is the replacement of the political class at all institutional levels. The aim of this research is to understand if and how this political force has changed the socio-demographic characteristics of its elected representatives between 2013 and 2018. We also try to understand if it is possible speak of an elite in transformation, referring to the elitist theory classical and contemporary. In this regard the profiles of the elected M5s in the last two political elections will be compared first, and subsequently with those of their colleagues. In this way, it will also be possible to highlight the degree of turnover and any changes with respect to gender, age, educational qualifications and profession, whose consequences will be analyzed at the political level.

Keywords: Five Star Movement (M5s); populism; political class; elitist theory; democracy; italian party system


Stefano De Luca, Hic sunt leones. Democracy in the Age of Social media, Big Data and Artifical Intelligence

Around 30 years ago, the fall of the European communist regimes prompted Francis Fukuyama to declare the end of history, predicting the universal spreading of liberal democracy and the fading of ideological tensions; Giovanni Sartori stated that instead, history was on the verge of a new beginning, based on premises that could not even be imagined: among those, the transformation of the homo sapiens into homo videns was notably the most threatening to liberal democracy. During those same years, from 1989 to 1993, the World Wide Web was in the process of its development by Berners Lee: its most prominent feature, namely the possibility of a mass access to the Internet, along with the swirling technological innovations by Silicon Valley would later cause disruptions of the highest degree. This article analyzes the principal causes for this transformation – the 2.0 Web, social media and the Big Data/Artificial Intelligence combination. The aim is to demonstrate how political effects have often been the opposite of the expected outcomes, not reinforcing but rather undermining the fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

Key-words: Fukuyama, Sartori, Democracy, Web, Social media, Big Data, Intelligenza Artificiale. Web-democracy


Antonio Campati, The Équipe Power. The Staff of the Political Leader

The gradual importance assumed by political leaders in contemporary democracies has made the «nucleus» of collaborators who assist them emerge more and more evident: the équipe of the power. It is composed of key figures for the conquest of leadership positions and for the career of the political leader they assist. Over the centuries, at least from Machiavelli onwards, these special team have become increasingly important. Through the analyzes of Gaetano Mosca and Gianfranco Miglio, the essay tries to provide a reflection on the different types of «political help» and on the crucial role that this team plays in the current «crisis» of representative democracy.

Keywords: leadership; power équipe; Gaetano Mosca; Gianfranco Miglio; elitist theory; representative democracy


Li Lifan, The Turbulence and Collaboration between China and EU and the Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

High-speed expansion and the many economic crisis in the past 20 years have caused the EU’s major difficulties on its development. The new European Commission will face the multi-level dilemma of promoting public policy and overcome its original cohesion, and develops new relations with China. This article attempts to compare traditional and non-traditional crisis involving economics, finance, Brexit, refugees, populism, regional security, etc.; the author also takes a close look at the difficulties and challenges of China-EU cooperation. Taking the Covid-19 pandemic as the leading task force, and giving global public health governance as an opportunity to analyze the future trend of Sino-European relations and how to get rid of the existing predicament, the Author shall advocate the establishment of a Sino-European relationship with a foundation of trust and convergence of interests.

Keywords: China; European Union; Covid-19; economic cooperation; regional security; sino-european relations